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Why Oiling Is Important?

Oiling  regularly gives  your hair  the  essential  nutrients it needs, thereby preventing premature graying. Dandruff usually takes place as a result  of  dry scalp.To prevent this, you must  oil your hair  regularly. This will …

Take Care of you lips!

Healthy lips   Soft, full-looking lips may look nice, but keeping your lips hydrated and healthy is most important. If you’re like most people, though, your lips won’t look soft, pink, and plump without paying a little  extra att…

How To Take Care Of your nails?

A nail is a horn-like keratinous plate at the tip of the fingers and toes in most primates. Nails correspond to claws found in other animals. Fingernails and toenails are made of a tough protective protein called alpha-keratin…

2 Ingredients To Make Your Hair Shiny!

Hair  is simple in structure, but has important functions in social functioning.  Hair  is made of a tough protein called keratin. A  hair  follicle anchors each  hair  into the skin. The  hair  bulb forms the base of the  hair  …

2 Best Mask For Face!

The right  face mask  can help hydrate skin, remove excess oils and help improve the appearance of your pores. They're also an excellent way to help pull out impurities. Another  advantage  of wearing a  face mask : the feeli…

How To Take Care Of Under Eye Area?

Having under eye area problem? As we all know under eyes area is more delicate and thin than the skin around the skin. So we need to take some extra care for that. Here's solution for you!!  1. Freeze coffee ice c…

Best Ingredients For Exfoliation!

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead  skin  cells from the surface of your  skin  using a chemical, granular substance, or exfoliation tool. Your  skin  naturally sheds dead  skin  cells to make room for new ce…